Saturday, February 6, 2010

“To be or not to be. That is the question."

Who I Am: I am a perpetual woman, a work in progress. Who I am today is very different from that which I was six months ago, last week, and most recently, yesterday. I am in an everlasting process of becoming that which I am.

I am a native New York Puerto Rican and am proficient in Spanish. I am a creative person and am in pursuit of new ways of expressing that part of myself. This yearning is what brings me back to school after a very long time of having been away. I am unemployed at the moment and because of this, I am in transition. It is a somewhat uncomfortable place to be. Without income, making sense of almost everything is much harder. However, because I am not working, I have the luxury of time and that has gotten me to this class.

I am looking forward to a rewarding and life enriching experience this semester.

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