Saturday, May 15, 2010

Black Women In Politics

Social class, status, and power are predetermined by one’s gender and race despite society states this to no longer be true. Within today’s patriarchal society, men simply possess greater power than women, “and enjoy access to what is valued by the elite social groups. The phrase “the man is the head of the household” has filtered into our society producing male dominance and authority with multiple areas, including politics. Male society view women as being weaker and feel that our roles are set in stone as wives and mothers. Women have struggled attempting to change their position within society, regarding politics, especially black women. African American women have two strikes against them, where male society is concerned, one being female and two they are of color. African-American women have struggled attempting to change their position and how they are viewed within society. Many changes have been made throughout history regarding the place women in society, for equality especially politically.

I have observed the discrimination in the media against African Americans and especially women. I find it appalling when a black individual commits a crime the Mass Media would make headlines and be broadcasted for weeks repeatedly. I am saddened by the media’s focus on crime, drugs, gang violence and other forms of anti-social behavior among African-Americans. The media have fostered distortion, causing great damage of the perception of black people. African American women have often been viewed in the media as maids, prostitutes, junkies, unwed mothers and the list negativity goes on. However, it is funny though, when 21 year old, Katie Washington, on April 18, 2010, was named as the Notre Dame First Black Valedictorian, new of her great achievement did not make CNN, CBS, Fox 5, New York Times, Good Morning America top story or headlines.

My project is based on African American Women in politics. It is a compilation of great African American Women who have contributed to politics from slavery to present day.

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